Easily Unwrapped …

Gift wrapping is another thrilling holiday experience for many people.  Some people (like me) lack gift wrapping expertise, so they resort to gift bags or the wrapping services available in the local department store.  Others immerse themselves in the gift wrapping process, searching diligently for the most unique and festive wrapping paper.  They fold the paper delicately and use double-sided tape so the wrapping looks seamless.  Some wrap their presents so beautifully that you try not to damage the wrapping in pursuit of the gift inside.

In a season when we’re encouraged to use recycled paper to wrap our gifts, it’s interesting to note that Jesus’ parents went “green” before we were concerned about the environment.  Luke notes that Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes (see Luke 2:12), or little strips of cloth used to restrict an infant’s movement.  This is a noteworthy detail for two reasons.  First, it shows the humility of our Savior – a King choosing a servant’s birth.  Second, it was God’s way of showing how easily we could access His son.  Mary and Joseph did not wrap Him in elaborate, intricate garments that only they could remove Him from.  Instead, they wrapped Him in inexpensive fabric, so anyone could see Him.

Today, Jesus is still easily unwrapped (accessed).  No one has exclusive rights to Him; rather, anyone who believes can have a relationship with Him (see John 3:16).  I’m so glad that Jesus didn’t hide from us but made Himself accessible so we could be saved.