Stop & Ask

During an episode of My Wife and My Kids, Damon Wayans told his son, “Before you do something, talk to me.” Having lived longer than his son, he knew his wisdom could help his son avoid pitfalls.

Their exchange made me think. What if we valued God’s wisdom like that? Has He lived longer than us? Yes! Can His advice keep us from errors? Absolutely! Plus, He’s omniscient; He knows everything, including the beginning and end.

No matter how far we’ve progressed through life, we can stop and ask God for help. That’s what King Jehoshaphat demonstrates in the verse cited above. He and the kings of Israel and Edom had implemented a faulty plan, and they didn’t know what to do. Even though they were off to a rocky start, King Jehoshaphat knew who to consult to finish strong.

This email is just a reminder: you can stop and ask for help. God is ready, willing, and certainly able to steer you in the right direction. Just ask Him, through prayer, and He’ll surely help you!

Thought to Consider:
With what issues can God help you?