Have you ever wondered if your efforts were worthwhile? Maybe you’ve wondered if the extra hours and responsibilities you’ve assumed at work are worth it. Maybe you’ve wondered if the time you’ve invested in a relationship will pay off. Maybe you’ve wondered if living for Christ is worth it if the world keeps getting worse.
If you’ve asked any of these questions, I know how you feel, and more importantly, so do the disciples. They sacrificed a lot (career, family, friends) to follow Jesus, and after His brutal death, their efforts seemed futile. As they gathered in a secure meeting place, I’m sure they asked some of the same questions. But, before they plunged too deep into despair, the resurrected Savior showed up! Jesus appeared as a tangible reminder that their labor (faith) was not in vain.
Some days make you feel like quitting, but hang in there. The long hours and sacrifices will pay off. Keep trusting in God, for He will reward you for your faithfulness!
Thought to Consider:
… be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless – 1 Corinthians 15:58, NLT