I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but food prices increased significantly this year. Common goods are so expensive that sometimes you have to prioritize your purchases. Not to mention the gas we use to drive to the grocery store is expensive, the jobs that give us gas money don’t pay well or lay off employees, and the homes to which we transport the groceries are foreclosing. We’re living in trying and uncertain times. Is there any relief in sight?
The disciples who participated in the miracle described in Mark 6 were in a similar predicament. They were in a desert (Bethsaida), and JESUS asked them to feed a massive crowd. Many of the disciples were unemployed, so they certainly couldn’t feed the crowd. In their struggle to find resources, JESUS gave them a timeless lesson – HE can provide! With two fish and five loaves, HE provided an all-you-can-eat dinner for 5,000 men, not including the women and children!
This recharge is a reminder that JESUS can, and will, provide! No matter how bad the economy gets, HE’LL make a way out of no way. No wonder Paul wrote, “And this same GOD who takes care of me will supply all your needs from HIS glorious riches, which have been given to us in CHRIST JESUS” (Philippians 4:19, New Living Translation).
JESUS still provides. Do you trust HIM?