Here’s a scenario to consider … imagine that you’re driving to work, and you see someone on the roadside removing a flat tire. Would you stop and help, or would you keep on riding? Unless we’re feeling “extra-Christian” that day, many of us would keep on riding. We’d justify our actions with excuses like, “Someone else will help her/him.” or better, “People are crazy nowadays, and I might jeopardize my life by helping her/him.” Essentially, the root of our excuses is selfishness – helping the person isn’t convenient.
In the verse cited above, however, Paul reminds us that it’s a good idea to help others: “Share each other’s burdens …” That is, when someone is overwhelmed, we should be willing to help. Notice this: the verse doesn’t say, “Share each other’s burdens only when it’s convenient.” That leads me to this conclusion: we should always be willing to help, even when it’s not convenient. Why? When we share burdens, we fulfill the law of Christ: “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other” (John 13:34, New Living Translation).
Further, helping someone is an investment with great returns, for “you will always harvest what you plant” (Galatians 6:7, New Living Translation). So if someone is in need, be willing to help.
We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord (Romans 15:2, New Living Translation).