Remember “The Little Engine That Could?” It’s a fairy tale about a train with an insurmountable obstacle. Every time it tried to climb a hill (i.e., get through a tough situation), it feel back down. But the train found comfort in a motivational statement, “I think I can!” As the train repeated these words, it eventually made it over the hill.
This story is a reminder that words are powerful. Solomon expressed it like this, “The tongue can bring death or life …” (Proverbs 18:21, New Living Translation). No wonder God advised Joshua to keep the Word in his mouth. God told Joshua that keeping the Word in his mouth would lead him to prosperity and success. In other words, speaking the Word would grant him favor in tough times.
You may be living in torrential times, but the Word is a bridge over troubled waters. Whenever we speak the Word, we remind God of His promises to us. And, the last time I checked, God refused to let His Word fail. So speak the Word, to your tough situation, and expect things to change!