Last week, I saw a man, standing near the exit ramp of a major highway, asking for financial assistance. Earlier this week, I saw a commercial that said the average American has at least $17,000 in credit card debt. The American economy has plummeted so low that even “Uncle Sam” has asked for assistance. The Federal Government has offered tax deductions to anyone who donates money to reduce the estimated 12 trillion dollar deficit. Long story short, times are hard for a lot of people.
Considering these financial challenges made me appreciative of the little I have. I may not own a mansion or a yacht, but I’m thankful for the few dimes and nickels I can rub together. The way the economy has been, I’m thankful just to be able to buy the necessities. Being able to spend money, no matter the amount, is a blessing. It’s a sign that even in the recession, God has continually supplied all of your needs (see Philippians 4:19).
You may not have all the money you want, but if you have some, that hasn’t been allocated to paying someone else, you’re blessed. Our God is faithful, even when the economy isn’t. Once again, I implore you, “Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3, New Living Translation).