Yet another childhood experience inspired today’s recharge. I remember this moment like it happened yesterday. One of my cousins spit in my face at a family gathering. Now, before I share my response, think about what you would do. Spit back, right? And that’s exactly what I did. And as soon as I retaliated, I got in trouble.
For a long time, I didn’t understand why I got in trouble. After reading this excerpt from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, I understood. In these verses, Jesus encourages us not to stoop to the level of those who treat us poorly. Instead, we should stay in control of our emotions, with His help, and take the “high road.” When we’re nice to people who mistreat us, ” (we) will heap burning coals of shame on their heads, and the Lord will reward (us)” (Proverbs 25:22, New Living Translation).
The best thing about Jesus is that He never asks us to do anything He’s not willing to do. When Judas betrayed Him, He called him friend. When the people crucified Him, He said, “”Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34, New Living Translation). The same Jesus who walked in the Word has given us power to control our emotions. When you’re pushed to the limits, lean on Him and stay in control of your emotions!