Have you ever been stressed? Have you ever felt like the “hats” you wear were getting to heavy for your head? Has it ever seemed like all of the roles you fulfill simultaneously demanded all of your time and attentiveness? Have you ever looked at your “to do” list and uttered the words of Elijah, “I have had enough, Lord …” (1 Kings 19:4, NLT).
I know how it feels to be stressed, and apparently, so does David. When life seems stressful, you need a refuge, someone, some place, or something that helps you recharge. David found a great resource for rejuvenation – the Lord. As he analyzed his life, he found that God led him to peaceful places where He also restored his soul.
God is a great refuge when you feel stressed. Peter advised us, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7, NLT). God cares enough to give you relief from the stress of life.
Thought to Consider:
What do you do when you feel stressed?