HE won’t change!

The home stretch of a political race can be very exciting.  Candidates and their volunteers focus their speeches and campaign materials on hot topics, and their words can be electrifying.  They promise the change we need – tax cuts, more jobs, better education – and secure our hope in a brighter future.  But some candidates forget their vows when they’re inaugurated.  Some abandon their soul-stirring platforms to pursue private interests or accumulate wealth for their future security.

One thing separates JESUS from the rest of the pack – HE won’t change!  The verse cited above reminds us of JESUS’ permanence: HE’S always the same.  Yesterday HE was powerful, today HE has power, and tomorrow HE’LL be power-filled.  HE’S not fickle; HE’S faithful.  No wonder HE proclaimed, “I am the LORD, and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6, New Living Translation).

I’m glad to serve a GOD who’s permanently awesome.  The same promises HE gave in the Old and New Testaments are still valid today.  Thank GOD for HIS unchanging, unmerited favor!