Dealing with Dream Killers

Let’s talk for a moment about dream killers.  You may know them more affectionately as “haters.”  These people are first to tell you that what you’ve heard from God will not come true.  They can be aggravating, discouraging, insensitive, and worst of all, your family and friends.  Such was the case with Joseph.

So, how do you deal with dream killers?  Like Joseph, you really can’t get mad at them.  Their comments were less personal and more perceptual.  To their credit, his brothers had never seen anything close to Joseph’s dream, and they didn’t have the revelation that he had.  From their perspective, Joseph’s dreams really couldn’t happen.  They were simply doing the best they could with what they had.

That’s my advice for you.  Whenever you confront dream killers, don’t get mad.  Just remember –they’re doing the best they can with what they have.  Keep believing God, for His word shall be fulfilled in due time.

Thought to Consider:
Don’t let dream killers kill your dream.

Declare It!

The last Daily Recharge was a reminder of the power of God’s word.  Whatever He says must happen.  When He speaks over our lives, we have a guarantee that His word will be fulfilled in our lifetime.

When we understand and believe what God says about us, we should declare it.  That’s what Joseph did.  As soon as God revealed the plan for his life, Joseph broadcast it.  He literally couldn’t keep it to himself.  Even after His brothers told him it was impossible, Joseph kept speaking what God revealed.

I encourage you to follow Joseph’s example – keep speaking what God has revealed.  Your declaration is not to get God’s attention; rather, it’s to remind you of where you’re already heading.  Keep speaking until God’s word is fulfilled in your life!

Thought to Consider:
… I am watching, and I will certainly carry out all my plans (Jeremiah 1:12, NLT)

Destiny Assured

One thing about God is certain: whatever He says must happen.  He literally means what He says.  That’s the heart of the message He shared with Isaiah: “It is the same with my word … It will accomplish all I want it to …” (Isaiah 55:11, NLT).

Our present circumstances cannot override God’s word.  Just think about Joseph.  I’m sure his brothers thought their evil scheme would change his destiny.  Joseph, however, had a word from God (the dreams).  And, this word turned the pit, Potiphar’s house, and the prison into rest stops along the way to the palace!

Maybe you’re at different coordinates than the destiny God has spoken.  Hang in there!  God is not like man; He doesn’t lie.  If He said it, then trust that your current circumstances are leading you to an assured destiny.

Thought to Consider:
God is not a man, so He does not lie … Has He ever promised and not carried it through? (Numbers 23:19, NLT)

Subtracting to Add

If you’re trying to increase something, you normally add to it.  For example, if you want to increase the money in your savings account, you have to add money to it.  If you want to gain weight, you have to eat more food.

In the verses included with today’s email, however, Jesus presents somewhat of an oxymoron.  While our natural tendency is to add when we want to increase things, Jesus says that God subtracts: “… and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit, so they will produce even more” (John 15:2, NLT).  What an interesting concept.  God adds by subtracting.  He takes away our comforts, ungodly desires, relationships, resources, and other things we think we need to increase our trust in Him.

Maybe you’re in a season where it seems like you have less than you normally would.  Don’t get discouraged.  If God is behind the subtractions you’re experiencing, He may be setting you up for some additions.  Just stay connected to the vine, and wait to bear fruit in due season.

Thought to Consider:
What has God removed from your life to increase your trust in Him?

Relax & Trust

Have you ever felt overwhelmed?  Have you ever thought your life was smooth sailing only to discover a hurricane of things to do?  If so, you’re in good company.  At one point or another, we experience times when it seems like there’s so much to do but so little time to do it.

Feeling overwhelmed is an understatement for the Israelites in Exodus 14.  They escaped Egypt peacefully, only to end up stuck between a rock and a hard place.  The Red Sea was in front of them, mountains were around them, and Pharaoh’s army was eagerly pursuing them.  In the midst of their panic, however, Moses said something worth our consideration: “Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today … The LORD himself will fight for you.  Just stay calm” (Exodus 14:13-14, NLT).  In other words, Moses encouraged the Israelites to relax and trust the same God who delivered them from Egypt.

Moses’ words are applicable to us as well.  When you feel overwhelmed, like you’ve reached your wits’ end, just relax and trust God.  If He brought you this far, He surely won’t leave you now!  Press on, knowing the Almighty has your back!

Thought to Consider:
When you feel overwhelmed, trust the Omnipotent!

Jesus Will

I recently fell in love with a song by Anita Wilson, “Jesus Will,” a remake of a James Cleveland classic.  Throughout the song, she repeats this affirmation: “I know that He will … Jesus will.”  I like this because it’s a reminder that nothing is too hard for our God!

Reminders like these can inspire us when circumstances try to undermine our faith.  The Hebrew boys used a similar affirmation with their lives on the line.  Although King Nebuchadnezzar tried to undermine their faith, they said, “… the God whom we serve is able to save us.  He will rescue us from your power …” (Daniel 3:17, NLT).

If you’re facing challenges, don’t complain about how hard they are.  Instead, remind you challenges that your God is great and able to help you conquer them.  And the good news is, if you magnify God, He’ll show up in your life.  He did it for the Hebrew boys, and He’ll do the same for you!

Thought to Consider:
Nothing is too hard for God!

Always There

I’ve often heard that people with great attitudes see the best in the worst situations.  I firmly believe that people who know whose they are find silver linings in dark clouds, too.  Take Lolo Jones, a U.S. Olympic Hurdler, for example.  In a recent tweet, she said, “I never have prayed to win a gold medal at Olympics and never will.  The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want.  May His will be done.”  Knowing that you belong to God changes you perspective, even in the least ideal circumstances.

David was very aware of whose he was.  In Psalm 23, David conveys a thought that should bring peace to every believer’s mind: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside he” (Psalm 23:4, NLT).  Our connection to God guarantees His presence, no matter the circumstance.  When the so-called trustworthy leave, God is always there!

The next time you’re faced with a challenge, do like Lolo Jones and David.  Remember who you belong to.  then, trust that He’s always by your side, no matter the circumstance.

Thought to Consider:
Do you trust God even when you can’t trace Him?

Know Who You Are

People often say, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”  I say, “If you don’t know who you are, you’ll fall for any identity.”  When you know who you are, no one can create an identity for you.

The devil loves to create identities for us.  He comes with negative thoughts and persuasive circumstances to make you question God.  That’s how he approached Jesus, hoping to dissuade Him from His identity.  Fortunately, Jesus knew who He was – the Son of God.  He didn’t conform to Satan’s suggestions; instead, He believed what God said about Him.

Satan will employ various tactics to develop an identity for you.  When he comes, remember this – he’s a liar.  Know and embrace what God says about you.  If God declares your identity, it’s true and must happen in your lifetime!

Thought to Consider:
When God is on your side, your name is victory!

He’s Still There

How do you feel when life gets rough?  Fearful?  Frustrated?  You may even feel forsaken.  Tough moments in life can make you feel alone, like no one cares or understands.  If the peril lasts too long, you may even think God has abandoned you.

On the contrary, I hear God saying, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1, NLT).  We have an assurance, embedded in Deuteronomy 30:8: God will never abandon us!  He isn’t a fair-weather friend who’s only around for the joyous moments.  He’s there all the time – thick and thin, ups and downs.  When life gets rough, He draws closer to us!

You may feel like the character in the poem footprints.  You think that God has forgotten about you because you only see one set of footprints as you walk through difficulty.  This email is a reminder – when you only see one set of footprints, it’s because God is carrying you through the storm.  He’s still there, even when you can’t trace Him!

Thought to Consider:
When you can’t see God in your “hot spot,” remember He’s with you, regulating the thermostat!

He’s Still Able

Have you ever been in a situation for a long time?  Has it ever been so long that you thought deliverance was impossible?

It seems like the longer we endure a situation, the less optimistic we are that it will ever change.  Let me remind you, however, that God is still able.  The duration of our issues does not diminish His power.  He can change our circumstances, no matter how long they have persisted.

The man at the pool of Bethesda thought his circumstance could not change.  For 38 years, he dreamed of relief, but to no avail.  He was very discouraged, and after Jesus offered healing, he said, “I can’t sir …” (John 5:7, NLT).  Even though his sickness was victorious for 38 years, it was no match for Jesus.  When Jesus said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk,” the man was healed, instantly!

This email is a reminder that God is still able to fix the problems in our lives, even if they’ve lasted longer than we can tolerate.  Faith is an assurance that God’s ability to rescue us never expires.  Keep expecting Him to change your circumstance, for He’s still able!

Thought to Consider:

Do you still believe God can do it?