March Madness is my favorite time of the year; I can’t get enough of the non-stop basketball coverage. I’m usually entranced by the phenomenal athleticism and unexpected upsets, but this year, something else caught my eye. The play-in game (Mount Saint Mary’s vs. Coppin State) featured footage from Coppin State’s conference tournament victory. As the Coppin State players rushed the court to celebrate, the camera focused on the head coach, who stopped to tell GOD thank you. When GOD’S been so good, it makes sense to thank HIM.
Some things expire – bell bottoms, platform shoes, channel “U”, to name a few – but showing appreciation is always in style. That’s the message GOD offers through Moses in the text cited above. As a sign of their appreciation for GOD’S blessing, the Israelites were commanded to give GOD an offering. And, HE commanded them to show appreciation “throughout the generations to come.” In other words, telling GOD thank you will never get old.
In the wake of Easter, I’m convinced we all have something to thank GOD for. Paul notes, “But GOD showed his great love for us by sending CHRIST to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8, New Living Translation). When we were unlovable, GOD loved us and sent CHRIST to die for us. CHRIST literally “bent over backwards” for us – make sure you tell HIM thank you, everyday!
Because HE lives …