One of my vivid childhood memories is my dad’s love of quartet music. The Jackson Southernaires were one of his favorite groups, and one of their hit songs was “Prayer Will Change Things For You.” An excerpt from the song says, “Prayer will change things for you … when you kneel down in prayer, you can leave your burdens there. Prayer will change things for you.” The Jackson Southernaires were right, for prayer can move mountains, lock lions’ jaws, relieve sickness, and even help you hold your peace (remember Monday’s recharge).
Today’s text is another reminder of the power of prayer. In this story, Paul and Silas were jailed for Kingdom work: they cast a demon out of a slave girl. Instead of complaining about their plight, Paul and Silas prayed for deliverance. They knew that the same GOD who had authority over demons could deliver them from jail. The good news is their prayer worked; Acts 16:26 says, “Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off!”
It’s evident: prayer changes things! An email I received a few weeks ago confirms this observation, and it’s a fitting conclusion to this recharge. Please enjoy a personal testimony from Ms. Carrie Childress, a subscriber to the Daily Recharge …
I am happy to report that I am currently writing you from Toronto – today is my first day on the job 🙂 Late last week I accepted a job offer from Smith & Nephew … Thought you might like a bit more insight about the level of awe I’m still in. About 2 months ago, I made a list of what I wanted in a job, and I prayed on it. It went something like this:
- I want a position where I am helping people.
- I would like to make $XX.xx +
- I would like to be in a position where I love my work, and there is mutual respect among colleagues.
- Cell phone allowance/Car allowance (but I’d like to drive/buy my own car)
- Would like to live in Tampa and be able to travel occasionally – – Internationally if possible.
I know there were more, but I left the paper at home 🙂 Anyways, I think you see what I’m saying. How good is God!! Ask and ye shall receive, huh? It truly does help to talk to the man in charge of all the jobs. Thought it fit nicely with your message today. We are all so incredibly blessed. Much thanks is due.
Prayer still works …