The summer after my first year of graduate school was one of the toughest periods in my life. I had a demanding, full-time, low paying (only $250), 12-week internship; weekly class assignments; a research project I needed to begin; and no prospects of full-time employment beyond graduate school. At one point, I hit the wall; I felt my labor was futile and wanted to quit. I’ll never forget what happened when I reached my lowest point, when I had resolved to end the journey. GOD sent a word through my uncle that gave me the determination and will to finish my degree.
The jailer, to whom Paul ministers in this text, had reached the end of the rope. Everything he’d work for had crumbled in his face, and he felt life wasn’t worth living. Dashed hopes made him think suicide was the best option. But before he could harm himself or quit, GOD sent a “right now” word through Paul. Just when things seemed beyond hope, GOD stepped in, right on time.
All I’m trying to tell you is that GOD is an on-time GOD, yes HE is! He may not come when you want HIM, but HE’LL be there right on time! Wait on HIM, and HE’LL work things out!
Hold on, and don’t give up … (thanks Jahmar!)