I’ve discovered that many people enjoy reading the newspaper. Some people can’t start their day without reading about what happened yesterday. Lately, however, reading the newspaper is like asking to be sad. The headlines highlight so many bad things that it’s easy to get discouraged.
Thankfully, there’s something you can read that will make you happy – GOD’S WORD. The writer of Psalm 1 says that the same people who avoid bad company find happiness by reading GOD’S WORD! If there’s anywhere to find joy, then it’s in the WORD. The WORD gives hope (see Romans 15:4), understanding (see Psalm 119:105), and ammunition to combat doubt (see Ephesians 6:17). Above all, the WORD makes us successful, for when we embrace it, we’ll bear fruit and prosper in everything we do.
So when the economy blues visit you, take refuge in the WORD. If you read it, I guarantee, you’ll find a reason to be happy.