In the late 1980s, the Detroit Pistons became known as the “Bad Boys,” largely because of their defensive prowess. Their defense was no-nonsense, and at times, no holds barred. They kicked, scratched, clawed, pushed, and even punched to send a message to the opposing team. Interestingly, this defense was called “The Jordan Rules.” Of all the NBA players they could have targeted, they designed this scheme to stop Michael Jordan. Why? Michael Jordan was a threat to their championship dreams!
Satan is also a “bad boy,” and he targets God’s “all-stars.” Out of the 276 people (see Acts 27:37) this poisonous snake could have attacked, it sunk its fangs into Paul’s hand. Why? Later in Acts 28, Paul laid hands on all of the sick people in Malta, and the Lord healed them. In other words, the snake had subscribed to the “Paul Rules,” and it attacked Paul to hinder his gift. If it had been successful, then Satan’s influence in Malta would have continued.
As Michael Jordan and Paul had a bulls eye on their backs, so do you. You’re a threat to Satan because you have a difference-making gift. That’s why you can’t stay down. Instead, shake Satan off and complete your assignment!