Have you ever felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders? Have you ever faced a problem and wished you had someone to bear the burden for a while? If you have, then I know how you feel. I know how heavy the problems we face can feel. More importantly, I’ve found that we have an ever-present helper when our trials seem heaviest.
Jesus is ready, willing, and able to assist us when our load gets heavy. That’s what He announced in the verse cited above. And, my favorite word in that verse is “all.” No matter what we face, and no matter who we are, Jesus will help us. All we have to do is give the problem to Him, in prayer, and wait for Him to work on our behalf.
Maybe you’ve been carrying a burden for a while. Here’s a reminder: you don’t have to. As the late Walter Hawkins said, “Give it to Jesus, He’s waiting for you. He’s got the answer. He’ll see you through.” Jesus specializes in weight lifting. Leave your burdens with Him, and He’ll lift your load.