Last week my coworker said, “We need to talk.” He didn’t give any hints about the forthcoming conversation, yet I thought, “It must be bad news.” Have you ever done that? Have you ever expected something negative without any facts to validate your conclusion? I certainly have, and so did Saul.
After Saul compared himself to David (see Daily Recharge archive – 01.10.2012), he later thought, “Next they’ll be making him their king!” (1 Samuel 18:8, NLT). Ironically, this thought hadn’t even crossed the Israelites’ minds. Because Saul drew this conclusion, he began to hate David. His thoughts made a momentous occasion (victory over the Philistines) miserable.
The quality of our experiences are often linked to our expectations. My prayer is that you won’t be like Saul. If God is on your side, you’re authorized to expect the best. Let 2012 be the year you divorce negative expectations.
Thought to Consider:
How are my expectations influencing my experiences?