His legacy should be drastically different. We should remember him as a gruesome gangster whose name alone struck fear. He was relentless, fearless, and even justified his actions in the name of the Lord. Yet, he’s regarded by many as the most influential spiritual leader other than Jesus. His dark past has been eclipsed by the beaming character that emerged from his encounter with Christ.
Paul, here referred to as Saul, is a constant reminder that Jesus specializes in remarkable changes. Jesus will cause such a change in your life that people will be astonished! Considering your past, they won’t believe you are the same person!
Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:17 are just as much personal testimony as they are insightful: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Christ will change us remarkably, if we let Him. He can turn our dark past into a bright future!
Thought to Consider:
How has Jesus changed you?