Remember pop quizzes? Pop quizzes were one performance assessment that I hated. The worst pop quiz I had occurred in the African American History class I had my first year of college. While the professor advised us to complete our reading assignments, for some reason, I found an excuse not to. 🙂 When he announced the quiz, I was terrified; needless to say, my performance didn’t compliment my potential.
From that quiz forward, I vowed to complete the required reading. I refused to be caught off guard again! That’s JESUS’ recommendation in today’s recharge. HE encourages all believers to be ready because HE will return when least expected. And trust me, you don’t want to fail HIS pop quiz. Later in the same chapter, JESUS said, “… a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished” (Luke 12:47, New Living Translation).
When Satan tries to distract you, tell him you’re preparing for CHRIST’S pop quiz. Since we don’t know when HE’LL return, it’s best to be ready, indefinitely. 🙂
Keep your departure ticket handy …