Scurry past the scornful

The story of the fiery furnace came to mind as I thought about this recharge.  King Nebuchadnezzar was full of himself, to say the least.  He loved himself so much that he had a self-portrait, 90 ft. tall and 9 ft. wide, erected in his country.  Worse, he told Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, “No god can save you from me” (Daniel 3:15, New Living Translation).  After such bold defiance and disrespect, it’s a miracle that King Nebuchadnezzar lived to learn about our fire-quenching GOD.

Sadly, the disposition displayed by King Nebuchadnezzar is a rising trend.  Actors and athletes take credit for their award-winning success; musicians claim to be gods.  These are scornful behaviors – actions that defy and diminish GOD, the giver of every good gift (see James 1:17).  The author of Psalm 1 advises us not to join their antics, for their lifestyle will end disastrously.

In 2009, vow to scurry past the scornful.  Don’t be comfortable around anyone who disrespects JESUS, our everything!

For in him we live and move and exist (Acts 17:28, New Living Translation) …