Have you ever thought the road to your destiny would be smooth sailing? Maybe you thought God would put you on the escalator of ease, and, miraculously, you’d arrive at your preferred location. At some point, we’ve all had these thoughts. More often than not, however, God takes us on the “scenic” route to our destiny. This path has hills, valleys, and other obstacles that develop our faith. During these stretches, we must keep our hand in His, believing He has entered our destiny’s address correctly into the spiritual GPS.
Just think about Peter’s journey to his destiny. I’m sure he expected a thrilling experience, and initially, it was. He witnessed and performed miracles and had first hand experiences with the power and presence of God. Later, however, he experienced the “rough side” of the mountain – failure, disappointment, rejection, and eventually, a criminal’s death. After the smoke cleared, Peter said, “… So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation” (1 Peter 5:10, New Living Translation). In other words, if you trust the process, God will take you to the place He’s shown you.
This email is an encouragement to those whose journey hasn’t been what you anticipated. If God is leading you, then keep trusting the process. All things still work together for those who love Him. God will turn those rough places into reasons to rejoice!