No Need to Worry

Have you ever worried about something, only to discover God had already handled it? Yesterday, I found out God often handles things before we can worry! I forgot to do something last week and didn’t realize it until I received a phone call yesterday morning. The person with whom I conversed had already resolved the issue by the time he called. During our conversation, he also noted that it was resolved because he had an urge to be productive early yesterday morning. I wonder where that urge came from?

King Hezekiah was well-acquainted with God’s ability to handle our problems. Before he received the encouragement shown in the verses cited above, King Sennacherib from Assyria threatened to destroy King Hezekiah and his kingdom. King Hezekiah feared for his life, but God had a remedy. He would fight for His people, so they had no need to worry!

I’m glad God has a solution for every problem. He’s so awesome that He even knows what we need before we ask. All we have to do is keep our hand in His, and He’ll do the rest. There’s no need to worry!

Thought to Consider:
Have you tried the Great Problem-Solver?

Our Blood Donor

As I talked with a young man last week, his friend walked by with a crisscrossed bandage on his upper arm. The young man, with whom I was conversing, said, “Did you donate blood?” His friend replied, “Yes.” It was great to see a young man committed to prolonging others’ lives. More importantly, he made me think of the great blood donor, Jesus Christ, whose blood changed the course of our destiny.

We were in desperate need of a blood donor. Our hearts were so far from God that death was the fitting conclusion. Before our case was deemed irreversible, Jesus willingly donated His blood. And, though His blood, we now have access to a meaningful relationship with God.

The best news of all is that He had the right type of blood. People with type O blood can donate red blood cells to anyone. Jesus had type O blood – OMNIPOTENT. His blood was so powerful that He didn’t have to donate again! As you approach Easter, remember whose blood keeps you alive!

Thought to Consider:
… for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God (Romans 6:13, NLT).

The “Enemy’s” Friend

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about the untimely death of Travon Martin. This was a tragedy, not just because a teenager died, but also because of public responses to his killer. People have been outspoken, and more precisely, harsh in their remarks about George Zimmerman. Their responses made me think. Who reaches out to help people deemed as “enemies” by society? Who gives hope to people who have harmed others?

Jesus! Paul’s conversion reminded me that Jesus is concerned about everyone’s destiny, including the worst of the worst. Paul, the self-proclaimed chief sinner, met Jesus at the peak of his sinful lifestyle. Jesus did not condemn him to a fiery death; instead, He gave him hope for a brighter future.

I’m glad Jesus will befriend those who society labels as “enemies.” Just think about it. You were once an enemy of God, but Jesus risked His life to turn your’s around. Be thankful that He never gave up on you!

Thought to Consider:
Do you give the same kindness you’ve received from Christ?


How do you respond to momentous occasions in your life? Do you:

  1. Celebrate like it’s the best thing you’ve ever experienced?
  2. Casually acknowledge it as if it should have happened?
  3. Deny it, fearing something bad will happen next?

I like David’s response in the verses included from 2 Samuel 6. He had witnessed the return of the Ark of the LORD, a momentous occasion indeed, and he celebrated like it was the best thing he had experienced. And rightfully so, for he knew God was the source of this occasion.

Whenever God intervenes in our lives, excitement should permeate our response. Whether we’re in church, at work, or among family and friends, we have a right to celebrate. So, the next time God does something for you (which will be soon), show Him your appreciation. CELEBRATE!!!

Thought to Consider:
How do you show God your appreciation?

A Remarkable Change

His legacy should be drastically different. We should remember him as a gruesome gangster whose name alone struck fear. He was relentless, fearless, and even justified his actions in the name of the Lord. Yet, he’s regarded by many as the most influential spiritual leader other than Jesus. His dark past has been eclipsed by the beaming character that emerged from his encounter with Christ.

Paul, here referred to as Saul, is a constant reminder that Jesus specializes in remarkable changes. Jesus will cause such a change in your life that people will be astonished! Considering your past, they won’t believe you are the same person!

Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:17 are just as much personal testimony as they are insightful: “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Christ will change us remarkably, if we let Him. He can turn our dark past into a bright future!

Thought to Consider:
How has Jesus changed you?

Quick Results

I’ve heard several testimonies about close calls. The most prevalent testimonies include a narrow escape from an automobile accident. The person didn’t have time to craft an elaborate prayer; they simply said, “Jesus!” Sure enough, He showed up and prevented what seemed inevitable.

The testimonies have a common theme: prayer can yield quick results. For the “close calls,” it’s instant. For Paul, it was a few days after he prayed. He only stayed with the believers a little while, but within that time frame, God turned his life around.

If you need quick results, I encourage you to pray. Ask God to work on your behalf, and believe He can resolve the issue. Don’t be surprised if He responds quickly.

Thought to Consider:
What God has done for one person, He can do for you!

Specific Prayer … Specific Results

When I read Acts 9 last week, I noticed something that previously escaped my attention. Paul’s conversion was partially a result of his prayer. God sent Ananias to lay hands on him in response to Paul’s prayer.

Although we don’t know exactly what Paul prayed, one thing is certain – specific prayer yields specific results. Jesus said, “For everyone who asks, receives” (Matthew 7:8, NLT). I’m a witness: God will answer prayer, even our specific requests.

This email is dedicated to a weary prayer warrior – be specific. God specializes in responding to our requests, so continue trusting Him. If you want specific results, ask Him specifically in prayer.

Thought to Consider:
What are your specific requests for God?

Stop & Ask

During an episode of My Wife and My Kids, Damon Wayans told his son, “Before you do something, talk to me.” Having lived longer than his son, he knew his wisdom could help his son avoid pitfalls.

Their exchange made me think. What if we valued God’s wisdom like that? Has He lived longer than us? Yes! Can His advice keep us from errors? Absolutely! Plus, He’s omniscient; He knows everything, including the beginning and end.

No matter how far we’ve progressed through life, we can stop and ask God for help. That’s what King Jehoshaphat demonstrates in the verse cited above. He and the kings of Israel and Edom had implemented a faulty plan, and they didn’t know what to do. Even though they were off to a rocky start, King Jehoshaphat knew who to consult to finish strong.

This email is just a reminder: you can stop and ask for help. God is ready, willing, and certainly able to steer you in the right direction. Just ask Him, through prayer, and He’ll surely help you!

Thought to Consider:
With what issues can God help you?

It’s Worth It

Have you ever wondered if your efforts were worthwhile? Maybe you’ve wondered if the extra hours and responsibilities you’ve assumed at work are worth it. Maybe you’ve wondered if the time you’ve invested in a relationship will pay off. Maybe you’ve wondered if living for Christ is worth it if the world keeps getting worse.

If you’ve asked any of these questions, I know how you feel, and more importantly, so do the disciples. They sacrificed a lot (career, family, friends) to follow Jesus, and after His brutal death, their efforts seemed futile. As they gathered in a secure meeting place, I’m sure they asked some of the same questions. But, before they plunged too deep into despair, the resurrected Savior showed up! Jesus appeared as a tangible reminder that their labor (faith) was not in vain.

Some days make you feel like quitting, but hang in there. The long hours and sacrifices will pay off. Keep trusting in God, for He will reward you for your faithfulness!

Thought to Consider:
… be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless – 1 Corinthians 15:58, NLT

Our “Go-To” God

Are you a “go-to” person? Are people likely to seek you out when they need advice, a task accomplished, or just someone to listen? If you are, I have a question for you: who do you go to when you’re in need of answers? A striking reality is that “go-to” people seldom find advisers when they’re in need.

Solomon was the ultimate “go-to” person. People traveled great distances to hear his advice, and his proverbs have timeless appeal. But when he need advice, he didn’t advise himself. Solomon turned to the limitless reservoir of wisdom – God.

I’m glad “go-to” people have a “go-to” God. James said, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you” (James 1:5, NLT). If you’re overwhelmed in your role as the “go-to” person, seek His advice.

Thought to Consider:
For what situations can you seek God’s advice?